Sabtu, 23 Juni 2012

ScreenGrab 1.1 : Effective Screen Capture Utility

ScreenGrab 1.1 : Effective Screen Capture Utility

Screengrab is an useful tool for those who need to be constantly taking screenshots, but also for those who only capture their screen from time to time and need only a simple tool to do the job as quickly as possible. Screen captures can be incredibly useful, whether you’re trying to share an error message with tech support or want to save a ridiculous comment exchange on Facebook. There are plenty of utilities to help you do this, too, ranging from the bare-bones to the highly customizable.

ScreenGrab falls somewhere in the middle of this spectrum; we’ve definitely seen screen capture utilities with more features, but ScreenGrab still brings quite a bit to the table. ScreenGrab interface is plain, just a rectangle with some drop-downs, radio buttons, and check boxes. You can set ScreenGrab to capture either the entire screen or just the active window.
The program can either automatically save the image, save it to the clipboard, or prompt you to enter a file name. Images can be saved in JPEG, BMP, TIFF, and PNG formats. You can set hot keys to both take a screen capture and to bring the interface back up, and the program can be set to hide its icon in the task bar, ensuring that it won’t appear in the screen captures.
The program can optionally include the cursor in the image and play a sound when a screen capture is taken.
We took several different kinds of screen captures with ScreenGrab and we were pleased with its performance each time. The built-in Help file provides a brief overview of the program’s features, but it’s really not necessary; everything about ScreenGrab is intuitive. Overall, ScreenGrab isn’t the fanciest screen capture utility we’ve seen, but it will be perfectly adequate for many users’ needs.
Needless to say, the auto-save feature is the one that allows a faster work. You can save images in four popular formats, but unfortunately you only have two capture modes: either the whole screen or the active windows.

Size :608.27K
Publisher :Visit Website
Os :Windows 98, Windows 95, Windows 2000, Windows NT
download ScreenGrab 1.1 : Effective Screen Capture Utility

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